My Lord of the Rings, X-Files and Harry Potter page
The Land of Rochelle's Craziness

The About Me Page

My All In One Photo Page

My LOTR Photo Page

My All Billy and Orli Page

My Orli Photo Page

My X-Files Page


The Harry Potter Page

What's New

Contact Me

My Favorite Links

Guest Book

Custom4 Page

Photo5 Page

Photo6 Page

Slide Show Page

Welcome To The Land of Rochelle's Craziness
Well, I have finally decided to make myself a webpage, even though I not very good with computers. And the focus of this page is the three things I love most: Lord of the Rings, The X-Files and Harry Potter. So I hope you enjoy your stay here and don't get too scared by me!
03/17/02: The launch of my first website! I decided I was tiring of everyone else having one and me not. Just kidding. I made this cuz I wanted to have a place to display things that I am interested in. So I hope you enjoy it here!
03/18/02: I have finished the Photo Page, as well as the About Me Page, so feel free to take a look!
03/20/02: I have also now added a forum, so if you want to check it out, feel free! Please note that this site is under construction, so some of the pages will not yet be finished. I am working to fix that as fast as I can.
03/21/02: I have added personalized Lord of the Rings and X-Files pages. To access simply click on Custom Page and Custom Page 2
04/26/02: Okay, after a long break from Updates, I have Added a Harry Potter section(click on Custom page 3)and photo pages 3&4 with plenty of Lord of the Rings pics to get every girl drooling. Also, my friend has given me permission to post her ICON pics on my site, so as soon as I get them from her and scanned onto my computor, they will be added on photo page 4!
Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin in Rivendell
Gotta love those hobbit boys!

What's your FOTR slash pairing?

Who's your Fellowship fella?

I roll in the hay with Hobbits

I am...

I'm Billy Boyd!

Which Fellowship Actor are YOU?

Mulder and Scully
I also love The X-Files, and this is one of my favorite pics, because it truly shows how much Mulder and Scully love each other.
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